Strategically Engineered Media Marketing Plans
Proven Media-Buying Strategic Plans
While we know that anyone can buy an ad, the RTM team brings over 30 years of expertise in developing strategic plans for short and long-term campaigns. We make those critical ad dollars work harder for you.
Our proven process uses all available data to build a bridge from your current and potential customers back to your product/service.
Our extensive knowledge of consumer research and how consumers use media is deployed to unlock new avenues to motiving those sales.
Today’s media is vibrant and ever-changing.
Each plan requires a gentle engineering of multiple factors, such as the dollars being spent, impressions, target audience, media selections, and available creative.
Our experience has shown that there can be more than one purchasing approach that can garner the required response from your target audience to reach your goals. This is where RTM stands out from our competitors – we will develop a variety of plans to reflect the unique challenges and opportunities for your brand and achieve your goals.